Tough Stains

We got 99 problems but a stain ain't one!

A lot of people unknowing think that the business of pressure and soft washing is as easy as spraying down water or detergent, then all your dirt problems will magically wash away. While this would be nice, proper cleaning takes knowledge of how to identify a stain and then apply chemistry to help solve the problem.

Did you know that not all rust stains are the same? Hard water stains, mineral leaching, and rust from metals left on concrete can all react differently or not at all to certain cleaning agents.

Also, what may work for rust stains, may not work for those pesky tiger stripes on the gutters of buildings. Oil stains, can be a completely different set of rules from rust and tiger stripes, and lets not forget about battery acid or paints.

Here are Roy Brothers of Texas, we have the experience and knowledge to take these challenges head on with the correct detergents in a safe and efficient manner.

Below is a good example of a GIANT rust stain we were tasked with cleaning up. A dumpster was placed on the outside of a building while renovations were being completed. After a few weeks the dumpster had left a very large, dark, rust stain on the concrete. Using the correct detergents, we were able to pull most of the stain out and make the space look good again.

Heavy Oil Stains can be quite a challenge. The longer they have been there, the harder they are to get rid of. With the right chemistry and some good persistence, we have the ability to reduce them A LOT.

Battery Acid stains can also be a chore to get rid of. However, it makes quite a difference after they are gone.